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There must be thousands upon thousands of books about cats, with more appearing at frequent intervals. This section of Purr 'n' Fur is designed to give just brief summaries and details of some I have come across over the years that have given me pleasure; some are old, some new. More will be added from time to time, but they will not be in any particular order, alphabetical or chronological. I hope readers may be able to obtain some of them and gain as much pleasure from them as I did. If you'd like to recommend any others to me, please feel free to do so. For obtaining copies of older books, I've found the online service of ABE Books invaluable, almost always finding everything I wanted through them, including some pretty obscure titles; and their service has invariably been efficient, prompt and non-intrusive. Note: Any opinions expressed in this section are entirely my own. |
Churchill's Cat: A Feline Remembrance, Larry Kryske
Cats in Medieval Manuscripts, Kathleen Walker-Meikle
Red Lead: The Naval Cat with Nine Lives, Roland Perry
Nala's World, Dean Nicholson
Homer: The Ninth Life of a Blind Wonder Cat, Gwen Cooper
The Outlaw Varjak Paw, S F Said, drawings Dave McKean
Mosby, the Kennedy Center Cat, Beppy Noyes
The True Tails of Baker and Taylor, Jan Louch with Lisa Rogak
Doorkins the Cathedral Cat, Lisa Gutwein
Able Seacats: Ships' Cats on Board Warships, Heinrich Kaufhold-Roll
Felix the Railway Cat, Kate Moore
Cats on the Job, Lisa Rogak
Larry the Chief Mouser and other official cats, Christopher Day
Cats at Work, Rhonda Gray & Stephen T Robinson
Shop Cats of New York, Tamar Arslanian
Working Cats, Oswell Blakeston
Simon Ships Out, Jacky Donovan
Cat Walk, Jackie Morris
Oscar the Bionic Cat, Kate Allan
Pushkin the Pontifical Puss, Fr Anton Guziel
The World According to Bob, James Bowen
Where in the World is Bob?, James Bowen & Garry Jenkins
White Chin and Magnificat, both by Marilyn Edwards
Cockney Cats, Warren Tute & Felix Fonteyn
Tales of the Tailless, Robert Kelly
Titles by Billie Love:
Opusses :: Cats of the Isle of Wight :: Sheba and the (Magic) White Whisker :: The Magical Quest
Two Bobbies ..., Kirby Larson & Mary Nethery
The Dalai Lama's Cat, David Michie
You can Take the Cat out of Slough ..., Chris Pascoe
The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips, Michael Morpurgo
Calvin: A Study of Character, Charles Dudley Warner
Milo's Journey, Rene Knapp
A Street Cat named Bob, James Bowen
The Alamo Cat, Rita Kerr
Charles: The Story of a Friendship, Michael Joseph
Animalian (Volume 1), Simon David Eden (later, with a different publisher, titled The Savage Kingdom)
Cats of Destiny, Fairfax Downey
Joseph and Chico, Jeanne Perego
Cat in the Clouds, Eric Pinder
Tyfoon's Tale, Sylvia Murphy
Fantastic Cats, Desmond Morris
The Cat who Came in from the Cold, Deric Longden
Psychic Cats, Theresa Cheung
They had me at Meow, Rosie Sorenson
Titanicat, Marty Crisp
Socks' Feline Miscellany, Mike Darton
Serendipity Stories of Cats and Their People, Esther G Johnson
More Cat Tales from Moon Cottage, Marilyn Edwards
The Cat who went to Paris and A Cat Abroad, Peter Gethers
Compleat Cat, Cleveland Amory
The Mousehole Cat, Antonia Barber
Alice's Diary, 'Alice' / Vernon Coleman
Cats to the Rescue, Marilyn Singer
Simon's Cat, in his very own book, Simon Tofield
The Fur Person, May Sarton
The Cat Who'll Live Forever, Peter Gethers
Working Cats, Terry deRoy Gruber
Famous Felines, David Alderton
Making the Rounds with Oscar, David Dosa
Homer's Odyssey, Gwen Cooper
Travelling Cat in Ireland, Frederick Harrison
Paw Tracks in the Moonlight, Denis O'Connor
Willi Whizkas: Tall Tales and Lost Lives!, Jonnie Paws & Carol Claws
Somewhere a Cat is Waiting, Derek Tangye
Curaçao, Agneta Näslund
Cambridge Cats, Tony Jedrej
Watchers by the Pool, Margaret Reinhold
Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat who Touched the World, Vicki Myron with Bret Witter
A Cat called Birmingham, Chris Pascoe
Ghost Cats, Dusty Rainbolt
The Cat who Covered the World, Christopher S Wren
100 Cats who Changed Civilization: History's Most Influential Felines, Sam Stall
Ships' Cats in War and Peace, Val Lewis
Travelling Cat, Frederick Harrison
Mrs Chippy's Last Expedition, Caroline Alexander
Cats: 99 Lives, Howard Loxton
Miss Mac, the Church Cat and Ko-Ko, the Church Cat who found Love, Fr John Chaloner
My First Cat: Writers & Artists Remember, compiler Michelle Lovric
For the Love of Cats, Dena Harris
Uncle Whiskers, Philip Brown
A Cat in my Lap, Jenny Melmoth
Planet Cat: A Cat-a-log, Sandy & Harry Choron and Arden Moore
Hero Cats, Eric Swanson
The Cats of Moon Cottage, Marilyn Edwards
The Indispensable Cat, Jean-Claude Suarès
A Cat is Watching, Roger A Caras
Jennie, Paul Gallico
Urban Tails, text Sara Neeley, photography Knox
Varjak Paw, S F Said, drawings Dave McKean
Cats are Smarter than Jack
Series of books by Richard Surman:
Castle Cats, Cathedral Cats (2), Church Cats, Cloister Cats, College Cats, Country House Cats
If you'd like to comment or suggest further titles, please contact me,
or drop in at our Facebook page
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There is none better to be our featured feline at the head of the page than Dewey, beloved and famous library cat of Spencer in Iowa |
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Page created June 2007, with later additions and revisions