Feline Fun is written/compiled by
Patrick Roberts

Copyright © 2003-15 Purr 'n' Fur UK

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Fun Photos 1

Photo galleries of our feline friends in amusing situations
or in poses to brighten the day; some you might have seen before,
but we hope others will be new to you.

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may not be displayed. If this happens, click the Refresh button in your toolbar to reload the page,
or right-click an image placeholder and choose 'Show Picture'.

See Gallery 2 | Gallery 3 for more images

If you'd like to contribute, please contact me,

Drop in at our Facebook page

Return to:
Feline Fun index

Other sections:
Famous Felines
Featuring Felines
Fans of Felines
Fabled Felines
Feline Folios
Feline Philately
Feline Fragments
Feline Flotsam

or visit the Purr 'n' Fur home page

Our featured feline at the head of the page, having quite a lot of fun, is Ragamuffin, or Rags for short: sadly he's no longer with us. A cat of great character who seemed to live by the maxim 'Life is for living', it was devastating for me when that life was cut short by a road accident. A rescue cat, he lived with me in North Wales for less than four years only. You can see a little tribute to him here with a more flattering photo.

Copyright © Patrick Roberts & Purr 'n' Fur UK 2003-15
All rights reserved
Images and content (whether original or used at Purr 'n' Fur with permission) may NOT be reproduced
at another website or otherwise copied or used without prior permission.
Direct linking (hotlinking) to ANY images on this site is strictly forbidden.
If you want something, !
Page created May 2006, with later additions