Feline Fragments is written/compiled by
Patrick Roberts

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Fragments 25

Anakin the Two-legged Cat

Pensacola, Florida

Anakin the two-legged cat

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Anakin, Aug 2012 Anakin the two-legged cat, July 2012 Anakin, part of a feral cat family, was born in April 2012 with no pelvis or back legs. He was rescued and taken in by Carrie Hawks, a fantasy cat artist, and her family of Pensacola, Florida in the USA. Lifelong animal lovers, they already had a dog Buddy, 13 years old, who's been used to cats all his life, and several other cats — George, Trixie, Pixie and Zoe, the 14-year-old matriarch. They were determined to give Anakin the best possible home, care, love and attention; he was estimated at 6 to 8 weeks old when they adopted him.

Anakin the two-legged cat, sleeping on his condo Anakin, Sep 2012 The family vet said she'd never come across a case like his before and was surprised the mother had taken care of him in spite of his handicap. Apart from the usual fleas and worms he was in good health, and X-rays showed that there was no malformation of his insides.

It really doesn't seem to bother Anakin that he has no back legs! — and the other animals treat him quite normally. He's developed his own method of locomotion — quite rapid when he wishes — and climbing seems to present no problem at all to him. He loves playing and all in all is a very happy cat, full of life.

Anakin, Dec 2012 Anakin the two-legged cat, Jan 2013 He's had one or two health problems since, but those have been successfully overcome, and he has also been neutered. The other animals have accepted him, although Zoe remains rather stand-offish — but that's her nature, and her privilege as 'senior cat'! There's a very informative FAQ page covering all aspects of Anakin's life and care, an entertaining composite video (recommended viewing) of his first six months; and a website/blog.

Mika the cat, also born handicapped Since February 2013 Anakin has had a soul mate in the form of ginger cat Mika (right), adopted from a Texas shelter; he also was born handicapped and has only half a tail, no back feet and only half of one back leg. He also gets around quite happily, although a little more awkwardly than Anakin, and a prosthetic limb is under consideration for him. Actually Anakin was a bit slower than the others to welcome Mika; black cat George, though, became a firm friend and Trixie and Pixie are quite happy with him, as is Buddy. Latest reports suggest that 'Ani' has come round!

Anakin the two-legged cat with feline companions, Dec 2012

There's a video showing Mika at YouTube, and regular updates on these amazing cats are to be found at the blog page linked above and at their Facebook page. Oh, and the remaining feral kittens of Anakin's family were caught and rehomed, although their mother managed to escape again.

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Our featured feline at the head of the page, and your companion through Feline Fragments, is Maggie. She came as a kitten from Powys Cat Rescue. One of their volunteers had seen her wandering around, apparently uncared for, and thought her rather young to be just left to roam. The person 'responsible' for her said she 'didn't care', and so the youngster was taken in for rehoming. Only about 4 months old when I brought her home in 2003, she was a self-assured soul, probably because of her early experience, and was soon climbing all the available trees in the garden. She was a determined hunter in her earlier days, and was usually outside, but now prefers snoozing unless the weather is good. She has superb whiskers — and as the photo shows, loves getting into things! (see it here without the puzzle effect)

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Page created May 2013