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Working Felines: Hotel Cats 4
including Three French luxury-hotel catsTrois chats d'hôtels de luxe français
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She quickly became used to the hotel; most of her time was spent near the bar, or on the main staircase where she could be greeted by guests, and in the early mornings she liked to supervise activities in the lobby. A favourite sleeping spot was on top of a display case, where there was a lamp that kept it comfortably warm; but if she chose to sleep on a chair, hotel guests have to find somewhere else to sit! Occasionally she ventured outside onto the terrace to take the sea air. She had been known to spend the night in the bedroom of a guest whose caresses she deigned to accept.
But Carmen had many other fans; people liked to have their photo taken with her, and some guests returned each year to see her. Not only that: she received fan mail, and quite often postcards arrived addressed to her! (see picture). If you didn't like cats, that was too bad; one guest who hated cats booked a suite and wanted Carmen kept confined away from her, but Mme Augier refused, saying it was Carmen�s home so the guest left! And just to endorse her fame, and because she was often at the bar, the hotel created a cocktail called 'Le Carmen'. In mid-2019 an enquiry informed us that sadly Carmen had died, and there are no longer any cats at the hotel. Fa-Raon and Kléopatre of ParisA beautiful, blue-eyed white Birman cat Fa-Raon (the French for 'pharaoh' is 'pharaon'), born in May 2010, took up the position of chief meeter and greeter at the exclusive five-star Hotel le Bristol in Paris, France, where as resident feline he generally oversees things. He rubs shoulders or exchanges head-butts with guests, who have included celebrities such as Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and Leonardo di Caprio when they were in town. Occasionally he might meet selected guests at the airport in the hotel's Smart Car. He features on the hotel's website, described as intelligent and affectionate, and as 'living in harmony with the hotel, playing in the lobby, wandering through the French-style gardens and purring with pleasure at attention and strokes from guests and staff.' Not surprisingly, he's a great favourite with children. After a busy day's duties are completed, his favoured relaxation spot is at the concierge's desk. 'C'est une bonne vie,' he purrs contentedly 'It's a good life.'
In late 2019 Fa-Raon was still in charge at Le Bristol and there are a few images of him at the hotel website, with more at the Facebook page. An archived copy of a page from a former website (early 2017) shows both Fa-Raon and Kléopatre. |
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Our featured feline at the head of the page is Socks, pictured in 2003 surveying his 'estate' in the early morning sunshine. Affectionately known as Soxy, he blossomed from a thin and hungry stray into a substantial and handsome cat who loved life and company, and his gentle ways endeared him to many friends. He is no longer with us, but you can read more from his human companion here. |
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