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After first uploading this page in 2004, there was a new and unexpected twist to the story in 2014, While Félicette may not be one of the best-known cats in the world, maybe she should be, as she became the first of only two cats that we've been able to confirm were sent into space. There was a report of a cat being used in a space launch several years earlier, in 1958/9, but we were later reliably informed that the launch was cancelled at the last minute. Early Soviet experiments
A Brazilian space cat?We came across announcements from late in 1958 in some local American newspapers (Daytona Morning Journal, Spokane Daily Chronicle were two) saying that the Brazilian Army was planning to launch a rocket that could carry a cat. The rocket confusingly named 'Felix I' was to be built by the Army Technical School, and the plan was that the feline, in a pressurised chamber and with recording instruments attached, would be fed oxygen during the flight and then parachuted down from the rocket's zenith, which was to be at about 70 miles high (112 km). Protests were made by US cat lovers, but in December 1958 it was reported that the flight was to go ahead on New Year's Day 1959. The cat, a tomcat called Flamengo, was said to be trained up and ready to go there was even a photo of him in his chamber but we haven't been able to find out whether the flight actually happened or what the result was. It seems odd that there was no follow-up, and the news doesn't seem to have reached the international press. Therefore we remain a bit sceptical about the information, but if the flight did take place, hopefully it was successful, as the poor cat was the pet of the project manager�s daughters. Note: Brazilian reader Erika Flore, to whom thanks, later informed us that in fact Flamengo never went into space. Following the protests, the rocket project 360 BD was dismantled and the man responsible for the project, Colonel Manuel dos Santos Lage, was transferred to other duties. Monkeys and ratsOther animals mice and various monkeys had been used in previous sub-orbital space experiments by the USA, from as early as 1949. The first primate actually to enter orbit in space was Enos, a chimpanzee launched on 29 November 1961 and successfully recovered a few days later. During 1961 and 1962 white rats were also used in space experiments by the French; three, named Hector, Castor and Pollux by journalists, were launched at different times, with varying degrees of success. The French feline programme
She didn't go into orbit, but in a flight lasting altogether less than 15 minutes travelled some 100 miles (160 km) into space, where the capsule separated from the rocket and descended by parachute. Throughout the flight the electrodes implanted in her brain transmitted neurological impulses back to Earth, and the French Centre d'Enseignement et de Recherches de Médecine Aéronautique (CERMA), which directed these flights, stated afterwards that the cat had made a valuable contribution to research. The capsule and cat were safely recovered and she was photographed with the team afterwards (left). The British press of the time called her the 'Astrocat'; but at some point and from an unknown source possibly journalists she gained the name Félicette. Félicette 'had her hour of glory' when she returned safely to Paris; then she was kept at the CERMA laboratories for 2 or 3 months while checks and studies were carried out. Sadly, after this time she was put to sleep, so that further studies could be made on the electrodes that had been implanted in her brain. There was a second cat flight on 24 October, but the launch went wrong from the start, the rocket crashed, and when the module was finally recovered, quite a distance away and two days later, the unfortunate cat, which has never been named and may well have not been given a name, had died. The non-existent Félix
We think that the tabby cat (left) shown in some press images as 'Félix' is just one of the other CERMA cats that underwent training. It's now clear that Félicette is the black-and-white cat shown above right. The inscription on the photo, together with her pawprint, reads in French 'Merci pour votre participation à mon succès du 18 octobre 1963,' which means 'Thank you for taking part in my success of 18 October 1963.' (We don't know for whom it was intended.) A superb series of images in a slideshow (captions in French) exists of the cats, the rocket, its launch and its recovery, which ordinarily browsers today would no longer play because of security issues with Flash content, but the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine has an archived copy that works with the aid of Ruffle, a safe Flash emulator. Postage stamps
Later on, in 1997, Chad produced a series of souvenir sheets showing many aspects of space travel; the one with 'Félix' also includes Laika, as well as astronauts Armstrong, Collins and Aldrin and their Saturn V rocket (see below). Lastly there was a 1999 stamp from Niger showing 'Félix'. However, even if the captions on these stamps were changed to read 'Félicette', the depictions would still be inaccurate as they all show a long-haired cat, whereas Félicette was short-haired. It seems the stamp designers didn't do their research too well! Interestingly, the philatelic cover below that I came across, produced by an American outfit called Bow-Wow Local Post to mark the tenth anniversary of a cat in space, shows a tabby cat on the blue label, so is also inaccurate. An Iranian space cat?As a footnote, in September 2013 the Iranian Space Agency (yes, there is one ...) claimed that it was considering sending a Persian cat into space, having successfully launched and recovered a monkey from a space mission in February 2013. This latter news was greeted with scepticism by the scientific community, as 'before' and 'after' photos of the monkey clearly showed different animals (see links below). Update, December 2019Getting on for 60 years after her ground-breaking foray into space, Félicette was finally recognised with a memorial sculpture, by British artist Gill Parker, unveiled on 17 December 2019 at the International Space University in Strasbourg, France. It stands in the Pioneers' Hall, next to one of Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. The initiative came from Londoner Matthew Guy, who came across Félicette�s story and decided she deserved to be honoured. A crowd-funding campaign raised 49,000 euros for the 1.75 metre-tall bronze statue, which shows a cat looking up to the stars while seated on the globe (see the Kickstarter links below). Update, 2023In 2022, following on from the unveiling of her statue, Félicette gained further recognition with the publication of a book, a slim volume by Stuart Atkinson entitled Félicette, the Space Cat, ISBN 9798859 884452. It was self-published, as Stuart says in his introduction that, despite approaching numerous agents and publishers, none was interested in producing it. About half the book deals with Félicette, her possible origins, her training, the flight, the recovery and what followed; it's not sugar-coated, but tells the cat's story and what she may have experienced. The remainder of the book mentions other well-known cats, including some fictional ones, and has various musings about what the future might hold in terms of further forays into space by cats. AcknowledgementsVery warm thanks to Dr Chatelier, in his 80s in early 2014, who most kindly responded to our enquiry, answered our questions and gave permission for photos to be used. We hope we've now set the record straight concerning this fascinating story. Acknowledgements also to Jean-Xavier Bardant from France and 'altoreno2' from Italy for earlier contributions. Links and further information
Souvenir sheet produced by Chad in 1997, one of a series showing aspects of space travel. This one shows 'Félix' and Laika, with Armstrong, Collins and Aldrin and their Saturn V rocket. Philatelic cover by Bow Wow Local Post to mark the 10th anniversary of a cat in space see notes in the article above. |
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Page originally created September 2004, with later revisions and additions
(rewritten April 2014 following contact with Dr Gérard Chatelier to clarify existence or otherwise of Félix)